Saturday and Sunday, 10am – 4pm, in September 28th –29th 2019
No cost for this event!!!
To register, send an email to David Walde at this address
Registrations will be taken till until September 6 (up to and including the SVIMS meeting then).
David Walde (secretary)
Required pre-reading: Before Saturday, September 28, read these sections under Studying Mushrooms at the Mushroom Expert web site http://www.mushroomexpert.com/ ·
Collecting for Study
Making Spore Prints
Descriptions & Journals
Identifying Mushrooms
Determining Odour and Taste
Saturday Classroom session: Location: University of Victoria, exact location TBD
10 – 10:30 Welcome, discussion of goals & expectations, discussion of pre-reading assignment
10:30 – 12 Hands-on, interactive mushroom identification to major groups
12 – 1 Lunch on your own 1 – 4 Hands-on, interactive mushroom identification to genus
- We will provide materials for the group to work with
- We will provide printed keys for mushroom identification
- Bring along any gilled mushrooms (good collections of one or two species ONLY) that you harvest from the wild and spore print before the workshop (optional)
- Bring along a hand lens if you have one
- Bring along any mushroom identification books that you want to use
- Bring along your bag lunch or go out for lunch
Sunday Classroom session Location: University of Victoria, exact location TBD
10 – 12 Hands-on, interactive mushroom identification to genus and species
12 – 1 Lunch on your own 1 – 4 Hands-on, interactive mushroom identification to genus and species