We have a not-to-be missed presentation coming up on Thursday, Mar 5, 2020, 7:00pm. Britt Bunyard, editor of Fungi Magazine, will be here for a presentation and foray. His talk will be “From Lowly Saprobe to Mycorrhizal Masters: Amanitas (A Tale Told in the DNA).”
See poster below for more information.
Those of you who have heard Britt before (he was here three years ago) will know how good his talks are. For many years, Britt has been a roving ambassador for serious (and sometimes funny) mycology.
The foray, led by Britt and Andy, will be at Metchosin’s Blinkhorn Lake, which is on Kangaroo Road. Note the time–it will be on Saturday, March 7, from 1 to 3 pm.