Cowichan Lake Foray Update


 The response from members has been overwhelming.  Thank you very much.


At this time the Private Rooms are fully booked and we are taking a waiting list.

The Ladies Dorm has only one room left.  This is available for a group of ladies ( 2 or more) that are willing to share the room. This room holds up to 6.  

The Men’s Dorm has four rooms left.   One as a separate room (no sharing) and three rooms to share for a group of men ( 2 or more per room).


There are still about 30 spaces remaining.

 If you have any questions or want to register, please contact Kurt Raeder:

SVIMS Schedule

Good day, the following are the events and activities, at least some of them for the
coming SVIMS season.

 1. Regular monthly events for the season:

Our monthly meetings will be on the Second Tuesday of every month starting
on September 13th till May 2023 except for January, when there will be the Survivor`s Banquet.

Time: 6:45 PM till 9:15 PM to allow time for setup etc.

Place: St. Luke Cedar Hill, 3821 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, V8P 2M6. There is
handicap parking on the side of the building as well as a ramp.

The meetings will be Hybrid, namely joint LIVE and Zoom and if possible will be linked to the Facebook site and recorded, as allowed by the speakers. We have
almost a full slate of confirmed speakers.

These monthly meetings for now, will be limited  to members only, with no covid restrictions other than for masking. This could change depending on the Public Health advisories.

Forays: will be held hopefully X2/month depending on the weather and the availability of leaders starting in September with Eventbrite pre-registration. Details will follow.

2. Cowichan Annual Foray:

Dates: From the evening of October 21st – Midday on October 23rd

Place: Cowichan Lake Conference and Education Centre Lakeview Park Road, Lake Cowichan. This is the same location as last year.

Kurt Raeder is organising this event.

See Docs menu for Information and Registration Form.


3. The annual Mushroom Show on November 5th-6th:

Place: St. Luke as above

Time: Saturday 5th for members only to set up, sort and organize. 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM 
           Sunday   6th Public and Members 8:00 AM- 6:00 PM

Details will follow but as this is a huge undertaking, we would be obliged if you
could reserve the dates and times now so you can help. We expect about 600-800
in attendance.

4. Survivor’s Banquet and Auction on Saturday January 14th 2023:

Place: St Luke as above

Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM with 20 minutes for set up and clean up on either

Pre-registration: Yes with one guest allowed

Details will follow nearer the date.


5. Chinese Mushroom Banquet for March 2023:

No further information at this time.


6. Library:

Ali Ballantyne has volunteered to take over the Library. I am delighted to welcome her to the post. She is presently working on digitizing our inventory. Further information to follow, especially on how this will be structured. Thanks Ali.


7. Other new positions:

     Billeting: Our longtime member Tabitha Jones is returning to this position. Thanks Tabitha.

     Secretary: Sarah Neumann will be taking over this position. Thanks to her as well

     OPEN position: Refreshments coordinator. At the moment Covid restrictions limit our capability to provide this at our meetings but we need to be prepared. PLEASE contact me if you can help and to get further details on what is involved.


8. Please do not forget to submit your Photographs for the Annual Calendar. See separate post below.


The Board wishes you all our best for the coming Mushroom Season. There are a number of other issues we are working on and if you have any suggestions please do contact me at any time.

David Walde
President of SVIMS-South Vancouver Island Mycological Society

Cowichan Lake Foray Registration 2022


OCTOBER 21 – 23, 2022


August 25, 2022 


This much anticipated annual event is being held at the Cowichan Lake Education Centre (CLEC).  This is the same location as the 2021 Foray.


The Foray format allows participants to register for either the full weekend of activities or participate only on the Saturday.  The Foray participants (in small groups) will be lead by mycological experts through the forests and varying terrains of the Cowichan Valley. These groups will forage and collect a variety of fungi and return them to the CLEC site for further analysis and identification.  In 2021 over 115 different species were identified.


The Foray focuses on both novice and knowledgeable mushroom foragers.


More specific information about CLEC and the Foray, including the registration form and fees can be found under “Docs” in the SVIMS home page. Click on “Docs” and then on “Cowichan Foray 2022 Information” and “Cowichan Foray 2022 Registration Form”.


Space is limited and unfortunately we had to turn away some hopeful participants last year. So register early.


If you have any questions please contact Kurt Raeder at