Cowichan Foray Canceled

With a heavy heart and an empty mushroom/specimen basket I must inform you that the Cowichan Foray for 2020 – October 23 – 25 has been cancelled.  The COVID  protocols and restrictions would have significantly limited the number of participants and the ability to effectively foray, analyze and discuss the many fungi usually collected during this event.

Kurt Raeder

New Mycophile

SVIMS is a member of The North American Mycological Association (NAMA), the collective that unites the mycological societies on this continent.  Six times a year NAMA publishes its newsletter, the Mycophile, and makes it available to members of all supporting clubs.  The January/February 2020 issue was recently released.  To read it, click on the picture of the cover. 


January 11th, Saturday.

5:30 = arrival begins.  Dinner at 6.  Raffle afterwards.

(Come at 5 if you can help set up chairs, tables, etc.) 


Gordon Head Lawn Bowling Club

4105 Lambrick Way, Victoria.
By the Gordon Head Recreation Centre, just off Feltham. Plenty of free parking.

To bring:

 main or dessert dish for 8 people. Mushroom dishes are encouraged but no necessary.

Your own cutlery, bowl, plate & mug/cup. 

Your own beverage of choice.  (Coffee, tea, water shall be provided.)

 RAFFLE Item: One highly prized item only — new, recycled, or regifted.

 Tickets are 2$ each, 3/5$ & 7/10$.  (Cash only.)  Come prepared to laugh!

Please make sure to bring a card, listing your ingredients!  Paper and pens will be available at Banquet. 

Guests are more than welcome, but must be in attendance with a SVIMS member. 

Garlic bulbs, salmon, artistry, self help books, homemade herbal teas, dried mushrooms, hand carved walking sticks and boxes of squash are items that were feverishly fought over last year. 

Memberships and calendars are available for purchase.

Kitchen is available but only the countertops and sink. 

Any questions? Email:

AGM 2019 and New Executive for SVIMS

The December meeting is the SVIMS AGM. Time to elect a new executive and process yearly business.





President Andy (now ex-president Andy) calls the 2019 AGM meeting to order and gallops through the agenda at breakneck speed.

The old board signs resignation letters, the new board signs acceptance letters

The SVIMS excutive for 2019:

President: David Walde
Vice President: Mel Hess
Treasurer: Kurt Raeder
Membership Coordinator: Gillian Phillips
Secretary: Andre DeLeebeeck

Directors at Large
Lise Gagnon
Rolf Mayrhofer
Andrew Anderson
Denise Furst
Sheryl Grieve
Krisztina Levai
Steve Strybosch

This year, the AGM was also the culmination of a raffle.  The grand prize was a pair of watercolours donated by Dr. Denis Benjamin, a speaker from earlier in the year. The raffle, ably managed by Sandie Walde, brought in over $1000.

Following the break, SVIMS member Dr. Shannon Berch, recently retired from the BC Ministry of the Environment, held the audience spellbound with the story of her search for the ectomycorrhizal partners of BC’s Garry Oaks.

2019 SVIMS Workshop: Introduction to mushroom identification

Saturday and Sunday, 10am – 4pm, in September 28th –29th 2019

No cost for this event!!!

To register, send an email to David Walde at this address

Registrations will be taken till until September 6 (up to and including the SVIMS meeting then). 

David Walde (secretary)


Required pre-reading: Before Saturday, September 28, read these sections under Studying Mushrooms at the Mushroom Expert web site ·

  • Collecting for Study

  • Making Spore Prints

  • Descriptions & Journals

  • Identifying Mushrooms

  • Determining Odour and Taste


Saturday Classroom session: Location: University of Victoria, exact location TBD

10 – 10:30  Welcome, discussion of goals & expectations, discussion of pre-reading assignment

10:30 – 12  Hands-on, interactive mushroom identification to major groups

12 – 1  Lunch on your own 1 – 4 Hands-on, interactive mushroom identification to genus

  • We will provide materials for the group to work with
  • We will provide printed keys for mushroom identification
  • Bring along any gilled mushrooms (good collections of one or two species ONLY) that you harvest from the wild and spore print before the workshop (optional)
  • Bring along a hand lens if you have one
  • Bring along any mushroom identification books that you want to use
  • Bring along your bag lunch or go out for lunch


Sunday Classroom session Location: University of Victoria, exact location TBD

10 – 12  Hands-on, interactive mushroom identification to genus and species

12 – 1  Lunch on your own 1 – 4 Hands-on, interactive mushroom identification to genus and species