SVIMS Meeting February 6, 2025 Paul Kroeger

7 pm start
Zoom only due to weather, members will receive a link

A Presentation by
 Paul Kroeger 

Paul has spoken to our club many times before, often in February. He is always entertaining and informative. Look below his photo to find out more about him. Paul’s presentation will be

Mushroom Misadventures

Mushroom cases with poison control BCCDC / DPIC. This is a review of interesting cases that show ways people get into trouble eating mushrooms, problems in identifying what people have eaten and some interesting observations and lessons on how to avoid illness from eating wild mushrooms.

Paul Kroeger has studied mushrooms for over fifty years and is a founding member of the Vancouver Mycological Society (VMS). Paul served as President of VMS for a few years, and is currently President of The Pacific Northwest Key Council. He is a major contributor to the mycological herbarium collections in the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at UBC and also contributed significant collections to DAOM Herbarium in Ottawa and DAVFP Herbarium in Victoria. He is a regular consultant for the British Columbia Drug and Poison Information Centre, and various other agencies concerned with mushroom poisonings and fungi in human and animal health. He coauthored, with Bryce Kendrick, Oluna Ceska and Christine Roberts, The Outer Spores: Mushrooms of Haida Gwaii published in 2012 based on a five-year study.

SVIMS rep on Shaw/Rogers Coastal Connections

Kem Luther, representing SVIMS, joined Shaw/Rogers cable moderator Elizabeth Heinz for a half-hour Coastal Connections program. You can view it on their YouTube site:

The program will air on Rogers/Shaw across Vancouver Island starting November 28, 2023, and it will have a two-week run. It may also appear on the Calgary and Vancouver Rogers outlets.

Annual SVIMS Raffle 2023

The Annual SVIMS Raffle is underway! Tickets will be available to purchase at the next meetings until the draw on December 5th! 

Tickets are 2$ each or 3$ for 5

Prizes include…

First Place: Basket valued at over 200$ 
Second Place: One of a kind local art print 
Third Place: Signed Mushrooms of BC book
And many more smaller prizes…. 

Donations from places like Luna Collective, Sea Cider, Foragers Galley and more! 

Please contact for any questions or concerns. 

Happy Foraging! 


October 8 foray results, SVIMS mushroom show October 22, Cowichan Lake Foray October 27-29.

Results of the October 8 foray have been posted.

The mushroom show is coming! This year it’s at the Royal BC Museum. (Click on poster for more info.)  Buy a 2024 SVIMS Calendar.

Cowichan Lake Foray

OCTOBER 27 – 29, 2023

OCTOBER 4, 2023 Update:

Registration closes October 16, 2023. There are still a few spaces remaining for the Weekend and Day participants. Don’t be disappointed.  

The Foray is for both novice and knowledgeable mushroom enthusiasts.

More specific information about the site and the Foray, including the registration form and fees can be found under “Resources”, “Docs” and then “Cowichan Foray 2023 Information” and “Cowichan Foray 2023 Registration Form”.

If you have any questions please contact Kurt Raeder as

Monthly Meeting Monday October 9, 2023

The October Monthly Meeting and Presentation can be attended via Zoom or in person at St Luke’s Hall, 3821 Cedar Hill Cross Rd,  Victoria BC.

Note that this is a Monday, not the usual Tuesday time.

6:45 pm promptly, ending 9:30 pm.  Zoom link will be sent to members by email. 

Our speaker is Alison Pouliot, on tour through Pacific Northwest from Australia, She will speak in person about her new book and experiences as an Australian ecologist, author and professional photographer. The title of the presentation is Curry Brain and Jelly Punk. More details after the photos.

Curry Punk & Jelly Brain 

 Alison will talk about the Conservation & Aesthetics of Fungi. The earth’s rapidly changing climate and environmental issues have come into sharp focus through the demise of charismatic megafauna and the ‘biodiversity crisis’.  

But what about stinkhorns and slime moulds?  How do fungi and their kin get our attention when they are not only overshadowed by more ‘popular’ organisms, but are rarely included in our ideas about ‘nature’ or ‘biodiversity’? 

Over the last 25 years Alison has divided her time between hemispheres, working both with fungi and their followers. She has been actively involved in fungal conservation and land restoration programs.  In this talk Alison will explore how fungi are perceived across hemispheres in conservation contexts and which fungal flagships best capture the public imagination. Alison will also some stories from the writing of her recent book, Meetings with Remarkable Mushrooms, in which she interacted with fungi and their followers across a dozen countries. 

DR ALISON POULIOT is an ecologist, author and professional environmental photographer with a focus on fungi. Her work spans both northern and southern hemispheres ensuring two autumns and a double dose of fungi each year. Alison is actively involved in teaching, research and conservation, and has conducted over 800 fungus forays across many countries. Alison is author of The Allure of Fungi, Wild Mushrooming, and Meeting with Remarkable