BC Museum travelling exhibit on mushrooms

The Royal BC Museum has a new travelling exhibit on BC mushrooms. Museum travelling exhibits are leased out to museums, libraries, and exhibition halls throughout BC, usually for two to three months at a time.

The exhibit is now at the Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary. Come by the administation building any time it is open (Mon-Fri, 9-3) and see the exhibit. 

The exhibit consists of 16 large panels and 3 exhibit boxes. Two of the boxes contain life-size models of BC’s best edible mushrooms. The artists at the museum did an outstanding job of reproducing the look of the actual mushrooms.

Pictures of the exhibit and further information about it can be viewed here.

Introduction to Mycology UVic on-line course

UVic Continuing Studies is now offering this on-line course:


Introduction to Mycology

This online self-study course will enable you to gain foundational, scientifically-sound knowledge in the field of mycology—the study of fungi. Developed by two experts in the field, Bryce Kendrick and Shannon Berch, this course will guide you independently at your own pace through 10 units so that you can attain an understanding of the features of fungi and the roles they play in pathology, nutrient cycling, agriculture, biological control, food, medicine, forests and our urban environments. You will receive a Certificate of Completion on successfully passing the course.


The fee for the course is $65.00 for the general public and $35.00 for SVIMS members. All they need to do is click on the SVIMS tab when registering to get the discount.



Omphalina is the newsletter of Foray Newfoundland and Labrador. It has several issues a year that talk about mushroom topics of interest to people anywhere. Sometimes it will be a regional mushroom discovery or an account of a foray in Newfoundland – Labrador. Or it could be mushroom cooking or artwork. You can read the most recent issue or any of the back issues by clicking on Omphalina here or clicking on the front cover above.