Symbiosis show at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria

A new show opened on Saturday at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. It is titled “Symbiosis,” and it features several types of mushroom-related art.

Of special interest to SVIMS members:

(1) An interactive, full-wall simulation of a BC forest with its associated mycorrhizal network. This was put together by Colton Hash. A must-see (short video with this post).

(2) About a hundred ceramic, life-sized models of East Coast mushrooms. Incredibly accurate.

Trudell Tricholoma Study

Steve Trudell and several other researchers have recently released a study of Tricholoma species in BC and the US Pacific Northwest.  Steve has made the paper available to SVIMS members. You can download/view the pdf by clicking on the cover.

This is an imporant study.  Many of the Trichs that we thought were in this area have turned out not to be the same species as the European names they were first given.