Anne and Jim Ginns land protected near Thetis Lake Park

An ecologically diverse 23 hectare parcel of land bordering Thetis Lake Regional Park is now officially protected by the Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT).

For nearly 50 years it was owned by Anne & Jim Ginns, who always wanted to see the land permanently protected.

The Ginns donated a significant portion of the value of the property to HAT to achieve this goal, the Trust said in the statement.

An article in the Times – Colonist adds further details. A few incorrect details in the article have been corrected above.

Dr. Jim Ginns is a mycologist living in Penticton. He has made presentations to SVIMS several times and is a member of the Pacific Northwest Key Council. He is the author of numerous scientific publications including Polypores of British Columbia (Fungi: Basidiomycota).

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