The next SVIMS meeting, besides being a regular meeting with a speaker (see poster below), is also the AGM, the annual general meeting.

506 West Burnside Road,
Saanich,BC  V8Z 4N9

Time:  December 5, 2019, 7:00-9:00 PM

(A big thanks to Richard Winder and Tony Trofymow for continuing to supervise our use of the meeting facilities at the Pacific Forestry Centre, as also to the Centre itself for the use of their facilities for the past year.)

Please try to attend about 10-15 minutes prior to the meeting in order to check in and update memberships. Only members in good standing are able to vote.  Also, do not forget to return all library material.


Action: for approval of minutes of last AGM.


  • President (Andy MacKinnon)
  • Treasurer (Kurt Raeder). The treasurer’s report from Kurt is to be accompanied by documentation of the 2018 year end financials and an interim report till November 30th 2019. These will be available for review and circulation at the meeting.
  • Membership Coordinator (Gillian Phillips).

Action: for approval of the Treasurer’s report without an audit.


  • October Cowichan foray( Kurt Raeder)
  • the Mushroom show (Andrew Anderson)
  • the upcoming Survivor’s Banquet and Auction (Mel Hess)
  • the library (Jeff Wright),
  • Fungifama and the movie event of Fantastic Fungi (Mel Hess)
  • the Calendar status ( Mabel Jean Rawlins)
  • the Chinese dinner (Adolf Ceska)
  • the Facebook page( Kevin Trim).
  • upcoming 2020 speakers (Kem Luther)
  • status of new website (Ian Gibson and Kem Luther)
  • foray policy (David Walde). The Foray Policy and associated documents were revised and implemented earlier this year at the Cowichan foray. This will need adjustments yearly as necessary to meet our insurance coverage requirements.

Thank you to Isabelle Grenon and François Duruisseau (Hospitality Committee) and Tabitha Jones (billeting) for their untiring service to SVIMS.

Special motion:  

  • “To include a special category of membership recognition: A Lifetime Membership in recognition of outstanding service and distinction to the South Vancouver Island Mycological Society (SVIMS). This will entitle the awarded members to all the same privileges of membership but without payments of dues. The board will have the responsibility for approval of any such membership. 

Action: for approval, special motion


The present board: 

  • President – Andy MacKinnon
  • Vice President – Melanie Hess
  • Secretary — David Walde
  • Treasurer—Kurt Raeder
  • Membership secretary and coordinator —Gillian Phillips
  • Directors at large: Lise Gagnon, Rolf Mayrhofer, Andrew Anderson

The board would like to see the number of directors at large increase to 5 positions.

The Board strongly encourages nominations from the membership for all of the above positions. (You can even nominate yourself.)

Information pertaining to any of the above positions can be requested from David Walde at

All nominations must be seconded at the meeting before being put to a vote by a show of hands by the members in good standing. The floor can request that the vote for any position be cast by ballot. Nominations will be accepted up to the time of the vote for each position.

Once the new officers are elected, all the present board members will resign their present positions, followed by a signing in of the newly elected board.

That will conclude the business part of the meeting.



Raffle people will continue to sell tickets up to this point.


Our speaker of the month is our one and only Shannon Berch. See poster below.

Comments are closed.